What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a magnified trance state, created naturally to address problems that have become automatic at an unconscious level. Self-induced trance states include staring out of the window from a train, observing nature, focusing on your breathing, and otherwise letting your mind wander and relax.  

My role as a hypnotherapist:

In your first hypnotherapy session, we discuss what brought you to try this kind of therapy, what problem you would like to solve -- and if you’re ready to solve it (this step is essential with any kind of therapy).    

We will work mostly at the level of your unconscious mind to enable you to find solutions to your automatic behavior, mental trauma, or physical pain that you have not managed to resolve at a conscious level. I will guide you to adapt elements of what you enjoy in life so that you can personalize your trance -- using your senses: what you see, hear, and feel, to create the environment. For example, if your favorite activity is to paint, or take photos, you will use the remembered mental environment to enhance your trance state.

How do I book a session and what is involved?  

Sessions are 50 minutes long, online, usually on Zoom. I will ask your permission to record, for insurance and legal purposes. A good internet connection is necessary since I need to observe your body language to see whether you are in a trance state; I also need to watch your hands since you will chiefly communicate with your hands once you have accessed your unconscious.  

I will send you an agreement form and invoice to sign before the session. All sessions must be paid 24 hours in advance and are 50€.  

I recommend a 5-session program: follow-up is essential in hypnotherapy in order to see real change operating on a conscious level, and the package offer includes a free session (200€ for 5 sessions). A multiple-session program enables you to get used to going into a trance, since this might not happen in the first session. 

Before the first session there is an optional 15-minute free 'discovery' phone call, to give us a little extra time to get to know one another and to start discussing what you would like to work on.

What to expect from a session:

Your unconscious mind is very powerful. It is capable of finding resources within you -- past, present, and future -- in order to transform your problem into a solution. Your unconscious mind can achieve a specific objective, if guided.

Changing a behavior, resolving mental trauma, and healing chronic pain all require a change of mindset and strong willpower. I am trained to work on automatic behaviors, including smoking, drinking, tic habits like nail-biting, and breath control. I can work with you to help mitigate procrastination, anxiety, phobias, and creating new healthy habits.

Every behavior, including an automatic behavior, originally has a positive purpose, even if it currently has what you consider a negative effect. At the time the behavior formed, your brain was doing the best it could! We address this issue of redirection in our session. Through our redirection process, hypnosis changes both your unconscious and conscious mind.

Questions and Answers:

Is it scary or abnormal to go into a trance state? No.  

As mentioned, trance states are natural, and almost everyone has experienced many in the course of daily life. While some sessions may deal with the pain of deep problems, usually the trance state is enjoyable.  

Can everyone be hypnotized? Probably not.  

Some people are not receptive to hypnotherapy. Nor will hypnotherapy work, if you are not 100 percent committed to creating a change.  

What if I want to prove that I cannot be hypnotized? This is unecessary…  

As mentioned, if you don’t want to be hypnotized you will most probably not go into a trance. You need to be willing to let go of control and willing not to impose your expectations on the session.  

Can I communicate while in a trance state? Yes.  

You can answer me in a trance state without disturbing the process. However, I will mostly ask you to communicate with your hands since they are directly connected to your unconscious mind and provide an easy way to communicate a simple Yes or No. 

Will I go into a trance state every session? No.  

Going into a trance in a hypnotherapy session is not guaranteed, especially not in your first session, since you may have heightened apprehensions or expectations. But even if you do not go into a trance, your unconscious mind is working while you relax and have your eyes closed.  

Can I be hypnotized against my will? No.  

You can only be hypnotized if you want to and believe in its potential benefits. 

If I manage to be hypnotized, will everything change? Not necessarily.  

The internal work -- like any form of therapy -- can take time and is a different experience for everyone. However, usually hypnotherapy is considered a rapid transformational method.  

If being in a trance state means I no longer hear you, is something wrong? It’s normal.  

It’s normal if you don't immediately hear what I am saying. This is usually an indication that you have successfully gone into a state of trance.   

To re-emphasize: hypnotherapy is a case-by-case, very idiosyncratic kind of therapy. It is not effective for everyone and it requires you to take responsibility for the change in your life. There is no guarantee it will work.  

If you have any other questions or concerns, I am happy to answer via email at chelseacoachcarter@gmail.com or over the phone/WhatsApp :